Some tips about sun-damaged skin

Uv photography shows hidden sun damage.

UV photos give us a safe way to see how the sun damages our skin. The more sun damage we accumulate, the greater our risk for developing skin cancer and prematurely aged skin.

Wrinkles and other signs of sun-damaged skin can be treated

Spending time outdoors without protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can add years to your looks. Fortunately, there are ways to erase some of this damage. This damages including wrinkles, age spots, loose skin, spider veins, and a blotchy or ruddy complexion.

If you use tanning beds, you will notice these changes quickly——often in a few years. Some people who use tanning beds see signs within a year or even sooner.

While much of the damage is permanent, treatment can reduce some signs of sun damage that are making you look older.

To treat signs of aging, a board-certified dermatologist often use more than one type of treatment. This helps to treat the different signs of aging. It also helps to give you a natural and healthy appearance, so you don’t look like you’ve had “work done”.

We could use a moisturizer to immediately plump up fine lines, injectable fillers, and botox for wrinkles. Laser treatments and chemical peel can do good to age spots and loose skin. For Blotchy or ruddy complexion, we can use microdermabrasion and prescription retinoid you apply to your skin.

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